Sand Dunes, Camels and Nuknuuk Slippers
A Postcard from Dubai
Our Nuknuuk customers never fail to amaze us, but this latest email blew us away... Thanks so much to Joanne Wilson for sharing her story with us! Read on to hear about Joanne's adventure.

To Nuknuuk with love
"We are in the desert just outside Dubai. What a glorious sunset... Magical."
"So I had been walking for a few days in Dubai and decided that I needed... really needed my Nuknuuk slippers. Check out the picture again. They rode the sand dunes with me... They rode on a camel with me... They watched a belly dancer at the dinner in the desert and they saved my poor tired feet.
On a side note, I have even gone to trade shows dolled up and in my Nuknuuk slippers. Everyone at the shows thinks I am crazy but also admit how jealous they are of my comfort.
I now travel everywhere with them just in case I can put aside my vanity to get the comfort I am looking for. They are cute but maybe not always business appropriate.
Now I need to test out the Zaza Flip Flops. Cool and comfortable and so cute....should I start to take orders? Just kidding.
I tell everyone about these slippers. Love Love Love them."
- Joanne Wilson
Share Your Nuknuuk Story
So there you have it! Our Nuknuuk-loving customers have been known to drive in their slippers and wear them to work, but this was the first camel ride we've heard of! Are there more Nuknuuk adventures out there? What's the craziest place you've worn your Nuknuuk slippers? We're dying to know!